School Bus Safety Presentation

Free School Bus Safety PowerPoint Presentation for Elementary Kids

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This School Bus Safety PowerPoint presentation is designed for elementary age students to remind them about best practices at the bus stop and on the bus.

School Bus Safety Story Color Book

Free School Bus Stop Safety Activity Coloring Book and Story for Elementary Kids

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This School Bus Safety Story Book is designed as an activity to accompany the School Bus Stop Safety PowerPoint Presentation.
It features fun images of school bus safety best practices, along with words to remind students how to be safe at the bus stop and how to behave on the school bus.

School Bus Safety Color Sheet

Free School Bus Safety Color Sheet & Bus Stop Safety Tips for Elementary Kids

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Hannah’s Lights

Seven year old Hannah Martin was known for her love of dance and her infectious smile. That all changed on a dark early fall morning in 2012.

As Hannah was waiting to be picked up by the school bus, tragedy struck. She was killed when the bus accidentally ran her over at the bus stop. The early morning darkness is one of the factors that is believed to have caused the tragic accident.

LifeNet responded to the scene. Paramedic Bobby King wanted to do something to help prevent another tragedy like Hannah’s from occurring and came up with the idea to provide flashing lights for kids to wear on their backpacks while waiting for the school bus.

The lights are known as “Hannah’s Light” in memory of this precious little girl and distributed to kids in grades K-3 in Hot Spring and Garland Counties in Arkansas free of charge through their school. The lights are funded through donations and fundraisers.  Click the DONATE button below to help us provide lights and make students more visibile at their bus stop.