Daniel Stramp has lived in Hot Springs for practically his entire life but was born in Iowa City, Iowa. After graduating from Hot Springs High School, he joined the U.S. Marine Corps in October 1995 during Desert Storm, serving for four years before deciding to pursue a career as a paramedic. He entered EMS and was hired at Lifemobile in 2000 as an EMT, becoming a paramedic in 2002. Daniel also joined the Piney Volunteer Fire Department, where he served for several years and eventually became their training officer. Additionally, he served as the Garland County Chief Deputy Coroner for six years.

Daniel has been with LifeNet for over 15 years and in EMS for 24 years. He has served as the Clinical Manager for the Arkansas Division since 2015. In this role, he is responsible for providing education for the staff, looking for ways to improve patient care, training, and education, investigating clinical issues, and providing additional training as needed. He also communicates with the Medical Director regarding protocols and clinical issues, reviews ePCRs to ensure good patient care, orients new hires, and attends numerous committee meetings with hospitals.